Martini Sportswear from Austria is the newest Brand to join the OUTTRA Ecosystem

If you look for functional winter outerwear then Martini will be a name you know - and thanks to the integration with the OUTTRA ecosystem it's very easy for you to find a local retailer which has the Martini jacket you want to get in stock!

Thanks to our large existing ecosystem of OUTTRA Retailers we could connect many hundreds of Martini retailers across Europe easily to the new Martini Dealer Locator, and help interested customers who browse the Martini website find their favourite jacket locally.We look forward to a fruitful cooperation with Martini and their retailers!

Are you a retailer and carry brands which cooperate with us? Then get started today with OUTTRA and let us display your goods on the brand websites using the "Buy Local" search. The integration is for you free, safe according to the General Data Protection Regulation and an effective way to bring customers into your store. Contact us today at - we look forward to hearing from you!